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Calling 2 ivy files sequentially

I'm trying to call 2 retrieves one after the other.

When my ivy_portlet.xml is present, the second call is not executed.

When my ivy_portlet.xml is not present the second call retrieves the content of ivy.xml

When the 2 files are there, only the first one is executed.

What am I missing?

        <available file="${basedir}/ivy_portlet.xml" />
            <echo message="Getting runtime portlet dependencies using Ivy project's configuration" />
            <ivy:retrieve pattern="${project.lib.dir}/[conf]/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]" file="${basedir}/ivy_portlet.xml"/>
        <available file="${basedir}/ivy.xml" />
            <echo message="Getting deps using Ivy project's configuration" />
            <ivy:retrieve pattern="${project.lib.dir}/[conf]/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]" file="${basedir}/ivy.xml"/>


  • Here's the trick:

    A call to resolve must be made when using a file name different from ivy.xml.

    <ivy:resolve file="${rpm.homedir}/Builder/ivy_portlet.xml"/>