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boost::static_visitor with multiple arguments

typedef boost::variant<int, double> Type;
class Append: public boost::static_visitor<>
    void operator()(int)

    void operator()(double)


Type type(1.2);
Visitor visitor;
boost::apply_visitor(visitor, type);

Is it possible to change the visitor such that it receives extra data as follows:

class Append: public boost::static_visitor<>
    void operator()(int, const std::string&)

    void operator()(double, const std::string&)

This string value changes during the lifetime of the Append object. Passing the string in via the constructor is not an option in this case.


  • The "additional argument" that gets given to each call is the this pointer. Use it to pass whatever additional information that you need:

    #include <boost/variant.hpp>
    typedef boost::variant<int, double> Type;
    class Append: public boost::static_visitor<>
        void operator()(int)
        void operator()(double)
        std::string argument;
    int main() {
        Type type(1.2);
        Append visitor;
        visitor.argument = "first value";
        boost::apply_visitor(visitor, type);
        visitor.argument = "new value";
        boost::apply_visitor(visitor, type);