I wrote a simple CUDA kernel as follows:
__global__ void cudaDoSomethingInSharedMemory(float* globalArray, pitch){
__shared__ float sharedInputArray[1088];
__shared__ float sharedOutputArray[1088];
int tid = threadIdx.x //Use 1D block
int rowIdx = blockIdx.x //Use 1D grid
int rowOffset = pitch/sizeof(float);//Offset in elements (not in bytes)
//Copy data from global memory to shared memory (checked)
while(tid < 1088){
sharedInputArray[tid] = *(((float*) globalArray) + rowIdx*rowOffset + tid);
tid += blockDim.x;
//Do something (already simplified and the problem still exists)
tid = threadIdx.x;
while(tid < 1088){
if(tid == 1087){
sharedOutputArray[tid/2 + 544] = 321;
sharedOutputArray[tid/2 + 544] = 321;
tid += blockDim.x;
tid = threadIdx.x;
while(tid < 1088){
sharedOutputArray[tid/2] = 123;
sharedOutputArray[tid/2] = 123;
tid += blockDim.x;
//Copy data from shared memory back to global memory (and add read-back for test)
float temp = -456;
tid = threadIdx.x;
while(tid < 1088){
*(((float*) globalArray) + rowIdx*rowOffset + tid) = sharedOutputArray[tid];
temp = *(((float*) globalArray) + rowIdx*rowOffset + tid);//(1*) Errors are found.
tid += blockDim.x;
The code is to change sharedOutputArray
from "interlaced" to "clustered":
123 321 123 321 ... 123 321
is changed to
123 123 123.. 123 321 321 321...321
and output the clustered result to the global memory array globalArray
. globalArray
is allocated using cudaMallocPitch()
This kernel is used to process a 2D array. The idea is simple: One block for one row (so 1D grid and the number of blocks equals the number of rows) and N threads for each row. The row number is 1920 and column number is 1088. So there are 1920 blocks.
The problem is: When N (the number of threads in one block) is 64, 128 or 256, everything works (at least looks like working) fine. However, when N was 512 (I am using GTX570 with CUDA computation capability 2.0 and the maximum size for each dimension of one block is 1024), the errors happened.
The errors are: The elements (each one is a 4-byte floating point number) in a row in the global memory from position 256 to 287 (index starts at 0, error strip length is 32 elements, 128 bits) is 0 rather than 123. It looks like
123 123 123 ... 0 0 0 0 0... 0 123 123 ...
I checked the line above (1*) and those elements were 123 in sharedOutputArray
and when the element (for example tid==270
) was read in (1*), temp
showed 0. I tried to see tid==255
and tid==288
and the element was 123 (correct). This type of error happened in almost all 1920 rows.
I tried to "synchronize" (maybe already over-synchronized) the threads but it did not work. What makes me confused is why 64, 128 or 256 threads worked fine but 512 did not work. I know using 512 threads may not be optimized for the performance and I just would like to know where I made the mistake.
Thank you in advance.
You are using __syncthreads()
inside conditional code where the condition does not evaluate uniformly between the threads of a block. Don't do that.
In your case you can simply remove the __syncthreads()
inside the while
loops, as it serves no purpose.