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signal handler function in multithreaded environment

In my multithreaded GUI application I have the following signal handling code. I want to improve this code so that it will be correct and threading safe but there are some things I don't fully understand in signal handling:

  • is signal handled at the process or thread level (can I have thread-specific signal handlers) ?
  • in which thread context is signal_handler function executed ?
  • is it possible to send many SIGTERM signals in a short time ?
  • does it make sense to use a mutex to prevent parallel execution of signal_handler ?

void signal_handler(int sig)
        switch (sig)
        case SIGTERM:
            ::wxLogMessage(wxT("SIGTERM signal received ..."));
        case SIGINT:
            ::wxLogMessage(wxT("SIGINT signal received ..."));
        case SIGUSR1:
            ::wxLogMessage(wxT("SIGUSR1 signal received ..."));
            ::wxLogMessage(wxT("Unknown signal received ..."));

        // send wxCloseEvent to main application window

I register signal handlers in my init function:

// register signal handlers
signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
signal(SIGINT,  signal_handler);
signal(SIGUSR1, signal_handler);


  • Be very careful: as the signal(7) page is telling, only very few functions (the "async-signal-safe" ones, see signal-safety(7) for more) can be (directly or indirectly) called inside signal handlers. Mutex related functions probably should not be called in signal handlers. See also pthreads(7)

    You might consider setting a volatile sigatomic_t variable in your signal handler, and test the value of that flag from time to time. If you have C++11 (or C11) atomics, e.g. C++11 std::atomic or C11 <stdatomic.h>, you could make that volatile variable also atomic in that sense. Then use the atomic load facilities to test it.

    The Qt documentation suggests the following trick: create a pipe(2) to self at startup, then have your signal handler write(2) (the write syscall is specified as being async-signal-safe) a single (or more) byte[s] to a pipe to your same process, and have your GUI event loop poll(2) the read end of that pipe.

    A Linux-specific way to handle signals with Qt might be to use signalfd(2) probably with QSocketNotifier (despite the name, it works on pollable file descriptors, not only sockets). With other GUI toolkits, you probably can also add a file descriptor (the one from signalfd or pipe) to be polled.