I've got a PDF and I want a fast way to insert a blank page every second page (except at the end). E.g. my PDF has the pages
1: A
2: B
3: C
4: D
it should look like:
1: A
2: empty
3: B
4: empty
5: C
6: empty
7: D
Is there any easy scripting way to do so? I thought of using pdftk but I don't know exactly if it's the easiest way to do... I'm running Windows 7.
Thanks so far!
Okay I did it myself using PHP and FPDI/FPDF:
// Format für die einzelnen Folien:
$format = 'L'; // Entweder '' (horizontal) oder 'L' (Landscape!)
// Verzeichnis lesen
foreach(glob('infiles/*.pdf') as $file)
$filename = basename($file);
$fileout = 'outfiles/' . $filename;
// Ausgabe-PDF
$out = new FPDI();
// Vorhandenes PDF einlesen
$pagecount = $out->setSourceFile($file);
// Alle Seiten nacheinander importieren
for($i = 1; $i <= $pagecount; $i++)
// Importiere Seite
$tpl = $out->importPage($i); // , '/MediaBox'
// Vorhandene Seite
if($i < $pagecount)
// Leere Seite anfügen (nur nicht am Ende)
all files in the subdirectory 'infiles' will get blank Pages inserted and saved to 'outfiles' with the same filename!