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Bean Validation on method

public class Register {
    @NotNull private String password;
    @NotNull private String passwordRepeat;
    @AssertTrue private boolean comparePasswords() { 
       return password.equals(passwordRepeat);

    private Set<ConstraintViolation<Register>> violations;

    public void doRegister(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
        Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();
        violations = validator.validate(this);

        if(violations.isEmpty()) {
            // This occurs

My validation will pass if both my passwords are not null, but they are different. Seems like the last constraint will not be taken into account, though I do not have a clue why. Does anyone have suggestion?

And no, I am not searching for any implementations of @Matches or simular custom validators. I just would like to get this problem solved.

Thanks in advance.

Update 1

I have run some tests regarding this, hopefully the results will provide needed information.

public class Bean {
    @NotNull private String example1;
    @NotNull private String example2;
    @AssertTrue private boolean examplesMatch() { return example1.equals(example2); }

    private Set<ConstraintViolation<Bean>> violations;
    private FacesContext context;
    private Validator validator;

    public void init() {
        context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();

        example1 = "abc";
        example2 = "def";
        runValidation(false, 1);

        example1 = "abc";
        example2 = "abc";
        runValidation(true, 2);

        example1 = "abc";
        example2 = null;
        runValidation(false, 3);

    private void runValidation(boolean assertion, int testNr) {
        FacesMessage message;
        violations = validator.validate(this);
        if(violations.isEmpty() == assertion) {
            message = new FacesMessage("Passed test nr. " + testNr);
        else {
            message = new FacesMessage("Failed test nr. " + testNr);
        context.addMessage(FacesMessage.FACES_MESSAGES, message);


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
        <title>TODO supply a title</title>
        <h:messages />



    Failed test nr. 1
    Passed test nr. 2
    Passed test nr. 3 


  • examplesMatch() is not a valid Java Beans boolean property getter. It needs to start with get or is.