[Library {title}] <-->> [Book {title}] <<-->> [Author {name}]
NSArrayController [Library] => {Entity: Library}
NSArrayController [Book] => {Entity: Book, ContentSet: Library, books}
NSArrayController [Author] => {Entity: Author, ContentSet: Book, authors}
NSArrayController [Authors] => {Entity: Author}
[ NSPopUpButton *]
[ NSTableView **]
[ add ] [ remove ]
* button get content from NSArrayController [Author w/o contentset option]
** table get content from another NSArrayController [Author with contentset option set as Library.books]
how i can add Author into Book.authors from Author entity? (Use previous authors for any book)
1) set PopUpButton property
Content: NSArrayController [Authors], ArrangedObjects
Content Values: NSArrayController [Authors], ArrangedObjects, name
Selected Index: NSArrayController [Authors], selectionIndex
2) add
@property (assign) IBOutlet *authorsController, *bookController;
and link it with NSArrayControllers
3) add this code and link with button:
- (IBAction)insertSelectedItem:(id)sender
MOAuthor *author = self.authorsController.content[self.authorsController.selectionIndex]; // get current (selected) author
MOBook *book = self.bookController.content[self.bookController.selectionIndex]; // get current guide
[book addAuthorsObject:author]; // add step into guide
NSError *err = nil;
[book.managedObjectContext save:&err]; // save all
MOBook, MOAuthor - ManagedObject class created from Entity