I have the question in Perl:Input 5 mobile set details (Invoice number, Model , Company, Memory , Price , Quantity ). Print all the details, total amount (quantity * price) , total quantity , number of mobiles from each company.
My script is:
my %mobset = (
'1' => {
'Invoice No' =>'3456',
'Model' =>'S9900',
'Company' =>'Sonyericcson',
'Memory' =>'1GB',
'Price' =>'8000',
'Qnty' =>'1',
'2' => {
'Invoice No' => '3457',
'Model' => 'S3322',
'Company' => 'Samsung',
'Memory' => '2GB',
'Price' => '9000',
'Qnty' => '2',
'3' => {
'Invoice No' => '3458',
'Model' => 'N4140',
'Company' => 'Nokia',
'Memory' => '512MB',
'Price' => '5000',
'Qnty' => '2',
'4' => {
'Invoice No' => '3459',
'Model' => 'S4636',
'Company' => 'Samsung',
'Memory' => '256MB',
'Price' => '6000',
'Qnty' => '1',
'5' => {
'Invoice No' => '3460',
'Model' => 'S7854',
'Company' => 'Samsung',
'Memory' => '128MB',
'Price' => '7000',
'Qnty' => '1',
print "All the mobile set details are as follows:\n";
foreach my $id(sort keys %mobset) {
print "Mobile SlNo. = $id, Invoice No. = $mobset{$id}{'Invoice No'}, Model No. = $mobset{$id}{'Model'}, CompanyName = $mobset{$id}{'Company'}, Memory = $mobset{$id}{'Memory'}, Price = $mobset{$id}{'Price'}, Quantity = $mobset{$id}{'Qnty'}\n";
$totqty += $mobset{$id}{'Qnty'};
$totprice += $mobset{$id}{'Price'};
print "Total Quantity of mobile set is $totqty\n";
$totamt = $totqty * $totprice;
print "Total Amount of mobile set is Rs.$totamt\n";
print "The company names of mobile are:\n";
foreach my $id(sort keys %mobset) {
print "$mobset{$id}{'Company'}\n";
$name = SonyericcsonSamsungNokiaSamsungSamsung;
my @names = ($name =~ m/([A-Z][a-z]+)/g);
my %count;
foreach (@names) {
if (exists $count{$_}) {
else {
$count{$_} = 1;
print "The number of mobiles from each company are:\n";
foreach (keys %count) {
print "$_ \t = $count{$_}\n";
My output is:
All the mobile set details are as follows:
Mobile SlNo. = 1, Invoice No. = 3456, Model No. = S9900, CompanyName = Sonyericcson, Memory = 1GB, Price = 8000, Quantity = 1
Mobile SlNo. = 2, Invoice No. = 3457, Model No. = S3322, CompanyName = Samsung, Memory = 2GB, Price = 9000, Quantity = 2
Mobile SlNo. = 3, Invoice No. = 3458, Model No. = N4140, CompanyName = Nokia, Memory = 512MB, Price = 5000, Quantity = 2
Mobile SlNo. = 4, Invoice No. = 3459, Model No. = S4636, CompanyName = Samsung, Memory = 256MB, Price = 6000, Quantity = 1
Mobile SlNo. = 5, Invoice No. = 3460, Model No. = S7854, CompanyName = Samsung, Memory = 128MB, Price = 7000, Quantity = 1
Total Quantity of mobile set is 7
Total Amount of mobile set is Rs.245000
The company names of mobile are:
The number of mobiles from each company are:
Sonyericcson = 1
Nokia = 1
Samsung = 3
But I am getting the o/p for number of mobiles because I did hardcode the mobile names which I am not supposed to. How can I solve the code?
There is really no need for the hard code. You know the name - its in the hasref you are walking. Just build up a count array based on the Company value
my %count;
foreach my $id (sort keys %mobset) {
print "The number of mobiles from each company are:\n";
foreach (keys %count) {
print "$_ \t = $count{$_}\n";