I know there are dozens of questions about this already, in various forms. My question is slightly more direct though.
Using Free Pascal and the s:=DecodeStringBase64(s); function, is there anyway to validate if the decoded string that is passed as s is actually decoded from proper Base64 input data in the first place to avoid decoded garbage?
The best I have done is used a reg exp to identify potential Base64 data (from the accepted answer here). I then check if it is divisible by 4 using mod. If it is divisible by 4, I pass it to DecodeStringBase64. However, I am still getting lots of false positives and returned data that has 'decoded' but was clearly not Base64 in the first place, despite matching the reg exp. For example "WindowsXP=" matches the expression but is not Base64 encoded data.
Equally, the name 'Ted' encodes as VGVk which doesn't even have the usual '=' padding (which can help to flag it as a footer) but it still a potential Base64 fragment that I'd like to find and decode.
In PHP, there is base64_decode() for which a true parameter can be passed to help with validation.
AFAIK, Free Pascal does not have this with DecodeStringBase64 and I need some way of validating.
Other useful replies around the subject of decoding and encoding, if the reader happens to be looking for it as I was yesterday, is here
Short answer is no, there is no 100% working validation for Base64 encoded strings.
The =
sign in Base64
encoded string is not significant, it is for padding
and so it doesn't always need to be there (encoded string just have to be multiple 4 in length). You can only check if the string length is multiple of 4, check for valid characters from the Base64 alphabet (see Page 5, Table 1
) and verify, if there is not more than two =
padding sign chars at the end of the input string. Here's a code, that can verify, if the passed string can be a valid Base64 encoded string (nothing more you can do, anyway):
function CanBeValidBase64EncodedString(const AValue: string): Boolean;
Base64Alphabet = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '+', '/'];
I: Integer;
ValLen: Integer;
ValLen := Length(AValue);
Result := (ValLen > 0) and (ValLen mod 4 = 0);
if Result then
while (AValue[ValLen] = '=') and (ValLen > Length(AValue) - 2) do
for I := ValLen downto 1 do
if not (AValue[I] in Base64Alphabet) then
Result := False;