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mIRC on event variables

I've noticed a big lack in documentation from mIRC scripting abilities so I apologize if I've missed something but I've been searching everwhere.

Basically, I have an on event when someone says something, I need to get there entire message, how is this possible? I've managed to discover $1- however this only grabs the text from what the event triggered from to the end, I need the entire message, is this possible?


  • This is actually pretty simple, although maybe you're on an earlier version of mirc, if the documentation is lacking:

    on *:TEXT:*I need help with*:#channel: {
      msg $chan $1-

    $1- will always contain the full message. $# are space-delimited identifiers, so if your message is john: I need help with etc, $1 will contain john:, and $2 will contain I, and so on and so-forth. Adding the dash means 'this and everything onwards'. Since your match text is 'everything before I need help with and everything after, this code will always contain the full text.

    The code above, in case it is not obvious, will message the channel the event triggered on with the full message text. Whatever you do with the text is up to you; it's just an example.