I'm starting to use the LESS framework for styles in an app. I often have places in the app where I need to standardize pseudo-classes for an element to all be the same styles.
Rather than typing out
button:hover:active {
/*styles here */
I'm using LESS's nested styles to append those psuedo-classes like so:
.button {
&:hover:active {
border: 2px solid #000000
That works perfectly fine and outputs button class with appended psuedo-classes.
My question is this: Can I take this even a step further to add the psuedo calls into a mixin and therefore call the mixin? I know this might seem like over-engineering, but I'm reusing this alot throughout several stylesheets and it would be great to be able to reuse one line of code with a mix in.
You can use functional mixins:
.button(@_arg) {
&:hover:active {
border: @_arg;
and then use it following way:
.example {
.button(2px solid #000);