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httpModule does not fire when published to IIS

When I am debugging on my machine httpModule fires normally now after publishing it to IIS it does not run, what am I doing wrong? Am I missing something?

here is what it looks like in web.config

     <add type="MyApp.Web.Mvc.Modules.Scheduler" name="Scheduler" />

then the Scheduler looks like this

public class Scheduler : IHttpModule
private static readonly object Job;
private static Timer timer;

static Scheduler()
    Job = new object();

void IHttpModule.Init(HttpApplication application)

        if (timer == null)
            var timerCallback = new TimerCallback(ProcessJobs);
            const int startTime = 10 * 1000;
            const int timerInterval = 60 * 1000; // 1 minute
            timer = new Timer(timerCallback, null, startTime, timerInterval);
    catch (Exception ex)
        //exception code here

public void Dispose()

protected void ProcessJobs(object state)
        // This protects everything inside from other threads that might be invoking this
        // which is good for long running processes on the background
        lock (Job)
            //My Stuff
    catch (Exception ex)
        //exception code here


  • If you are hosting on IIS 7.0+ integrated pipeline mode make sure that you have declared your module inside the <system.webServer><modules>...<modules></> section:

            <add name="Scheduler" type="MyApp.Web.Mvc.Modules.Scheduler" />

    And by the way make sure you have read The Dangers of Implementing Recurring Background Tasks in ASP.NET article by Phil Haack before putting this code in production.