I'm trying to write a program that would take a .csv file of stock symbols and test them against each other for things like cointegration. However, when I run the following code quatnmod gives me something about having to use auto.assign = TRUE for multiple symbol requests.
#get prices from last 7 years
prices<-getSymbols(sym, from = Sys.Date() - (365*7), auto.assign=FALSE)
#exract closing prices
symbols1 <- c('TSN', 'MSFT')
symbols2 <- c('AAPL', 'NFLX')
addprices <- function(symbols1, symbols2){
for (i in symbols1){
for (g in symbols2){
container <- i+g
When I run addprices(symbols1, symbols2) I get this error:
Error in getSymbols(sym, from = Sys.Date() - (365 * 7), auto.assign = FALSE) :
must use auto.assign=TRUE for multiple Symbols requests
Calls: addprices -> getprices -> getSymbols
I know when I do this I should get that error, and I believe this is what the error is referring to:
getSymbols(sym, from = Sys.Date() - (365 * 7), auto.assign = FALSE)
However, what I'm doing isn't that, so what gives? Any advice? Is there a work around?
I googled this and there really weren't any relevant questions/answers.
The problem is that you're over-writing the iterator i
inside the g
for loop. The first iteration of g
works fine but i
is no longer symbols1[1]
in the second iteration... it's the output from getprices(i)