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How do I make a list that has a primary item

I need a List of items with sharable behavior.


Person class

has List<PhoneNumber> where only one PhoneNumber is bool IsPrimary same for other items has List<EmailAddress> has List<Address>

Imagine each item (PhoneNumber, EmailAddress, Address) share the same interface ICanBePrimary which contains the requirement of one property bool IsPrimary and when in a List<ICanBePrimary> only one item in the list can have a true value for IsPrimary.


  • The cleanest approach would be to hide a list behind a class that lets you enumerate over the content, and provides additional methods for identifying the primary item:

    class AddressList : List<Address> {
        private int indexOfPrimaryAddress = 0;
        public Address PrimaryAddress {
            get {
                return this[indexOfPrimaryAddress];
            set {
                indexOfPrimaryAddress = this.IndexOf(value);
        // Override more methods to make sure that the index does not become "hanging"

    An even cleaner implementation would encapsulate the list inside your AddressList class, and expose only the methods that you want exposed:

    class AddressList : IList<Address> {
        private int indexOfPrimaryAddress = 0;
        private readonly IList<Address> actualList = new List<Address>();
        // Implement the List<Address> by forwarding calls to actualList