I'm trying to implement a Rhythmbox-plugin similiar to rhythmweb, but I have a problem with starting a HttpServer from within the plugin.
If I start the server like it is usually done (e.g. with make_server(...).server_forever()) the plugin blocks rhythmbox. So I looked at rhythmweb, but I get a segfault everytime I start a request to the server. That is what I do:
class WSGIRefWebServer(IDjangoWebServer):
def __init__(self, host, port, settings):
IDjangoWebServer.__init__(self, host, port, settings)
def _start_server(self):
django_handler = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
self.__server = make_server(self._host, self._port, django_handler)
self._is_running = True
def request_loop(source, cb):
return True
gobject.io_add_watch(self.__server.socket, gobject.IO_IN, request_loop)
If I replace the last line with self.__server.server_forever() everything works fine, but rhythmbox is blocked.
My second approach was to start the webserver in a new thread, which works pretty well, but then I have some trouble using the rhythmbox shell object in the django application.
So I'm looking for a way, to start a webserver, that doesn't block rhythmbox but runs in the same thread. I can't see why the first approach results in a segfault, since rhythmweb does it the same way.
I hope you can help me with my problem.
btw.: I'm using python 2.7 and rhythmbox 2.97 on debian squeeze (testing)
After looking over the code at github.com/fossfreedom/rhythmweb I was able to determine the problem:
I was importing gobject instead of GObject from gi.repository. Now everything works well! :)
Thanks to fossfreedom for the hint!