While printing Binary Search Tree(BST) using recursive function (pre-order). I need to print all the parents(path form root) of current node.
An auxiliary data structure can(e.g. path in my code) be use but I don't want to keep node->path to store path.
4 / \ / \ 2 6 / \ / \ 1 3 5 7
Suppose I am printing nodes in rows using pre-order traverse:
4 4
2 4,2
1 4,2,1
3 4,2,3
6 4,6
5 4,6,5
7 4,6,7
I did as follows: Working fine!
Path end with 0 (Zero) value in this code. And there is no node value is 0 in BST.
void printpath(int* mypath){
printf("%d ", *mypath++);
void preorder(struct tree *p, int* path){
int *mypath = calloc(sizeof(path)/sizeof(int) + 1 , sizeof(int*));
int* myp=mypath;
while( *myp++ = *path++ );
printf("%d PATH ",p->data);
preorder(p->left, mypath);
preorder(p->right, mypath);
But I don't want to keep path array as there is lots of nodes in BST. Can some one suggest me other data-structure/ or method ? A suggestion would be enough but should be efficient.
Here's an old trick, which still works: keep the back pointers in the call stack.
struct stacked_list{
struct stacked_list* prev;
struct tree* tree;
void printpath_helper(int data, struct stacked_list* path) {
if (!path->prev)
printf("%d PATH ", data);
printpath_helper(data, path->prev);
printf("%d ", path->tree->data);
void printpath(struct stacked_list* path) {
printpath_helper(path->tree->data, path);
void preorder_helper(struct stacked_list* path) {
if (path->tree) {
struct stacked_list child = {path, path->tree->left};
child.tree = path->tree->right;
void preorder(struct tree* tree) {
struct stacked_list root = {NULL, tree};
Each recursion of preorder_helper
creates an argument struct and passes its address to the next recursion, effectively creating a linked list of arguments which printpath_helper
can walk up to actually print the path. Since you want to print the path from top to bottom, printpath_helper
needs to also reverse the linked list, so you end up doubling the recursion depth of the function; if you could get away with printing bottom to top, printpath_helper
could be a simple loop (or tail recursion).