This is my code of Mako but I have the error when i use this code with my server Cherrypy. The error is
SyntaxException: (SyntaxError) invalid syntax (<unknown>, line 1) (u"c=inputp${k}_id\nsomeval= ${urld['kwargs']['${c}']}") in file '/home/user/Scaricati/prototypefin/template/web_editor_parameter_settings.html' at line: 164 char: 1
When i wrong with this code? I have to try, if there is a relevant value and print its contents
<div id="sortparam" >
k = 1
<ul class="ui-sortable" id="sorpara">
% for k in a:
someval= ${urld['kwargs']['${someval}']}
% if someval is UNDEFINED:
<% break %>
% else:
<li id="inputp${id}_id" class="ui-state-default"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>${someval}</li>
% endif
% endfor
Ah I miss what is the variable kwargs?? Kwargs is the content the my file
{'demo_title': 'Demo title', 'demo_input_description': 'hola mundo ', 'demo_params_description': ' ', 'demo_wait_description': ' ', 'demo_result_description': ' ', 'images_config_file': 'cfgmydemo.cfg', 'demo_data_filename': 'data_saved.cfg', 'tag': '', 'inputdata1_id': 'id_lsd', 'inputdata1_max_pixels': '1024000' }
Where i wrong??
Try with this code:
<div id="sortparam" >
k = 1
<ul class="ui-sortable" id="sorpara">
% for k in a:
% if c in urld['kwargs'] :
<li id="inputp${k}_id" class="ui-state-default"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>${urld['kwargs']['${c}']}</li>
% endif
% endfor