I'm trying to do an Android app that needs to work with Google spreadsheet API. I'm new in this, so I'm starting with the version 3 of the api: https://developers.google.com/google-apps/spreadsheets/
I followed all the steps, downloaded all the jar files to lib
subfolder in my project folder and then I added to the build path in Eclipse as usual. So although there is no Java example to perform Oauth 2.0, I just tried to declare:
SpreadsheetService service = new SpreadsheetService("v1");
but when I emulate this simple line it gives me an error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.google.gdata.client.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetService
I'm using all the jars included in the documentation and I have the import:
import com.google.gdata.client.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetService;
but I am totally lost. I dont know what else to do just to start, connect to Google APIs and work with the spreadsheets.
Thank you so so much Scorpion! It works!! I've been trying this for too long. Ok here is my solution: I started a new project and included these jars:
and my code:
SpreadsheetService spreadsheet= new SpreadsheetService("v1");
try {
spreadsheet.setUserCredentials("username", "password");
URL metafeedUrl = new URL("https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/spreadsheets/private/full");
SpreadsheetFeed feed = spreadsheet.getFeed(metafeedUrl, SpreadsheetFeed.class);
List<SpreadsheetEntry> spreadsheets = feed.getEntries();
for (SpreadsheetEntry service : spreadsheets) {
} catch (AuthenticationException e) {
of course this is executed in a different thread not in the main thread. There is no java documentation for OAuth 2.0 but I will try and if I can't do it I'll ask here. Again, thank you very much and I hope to help you when I work on this time enough. :)