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TargetInvocationException occurred, but I have absolutely no idea why

I'm getting this unhandled exception error:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll.

Additional information: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

This is my code in short. It's a calculator of two TextBoxes which should together become a new answer when the user press +, -, /, x button made in WPF.

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public string numberInString
        get { return TextDoos.Text; }
        set { TextDoos.Text = value; }

    public MainWindow()
        if(TextDoos.Text == "")
            if(TextDoos2.Text == "")
                RekenFunctie(TextDoos.Text, TextDoos2.Text);

public int RekenFunctie(string numberInString, string numberInString)
    int antwoord;
    int getal = Convert.ToInt32(numberInString);
    int getal2 = Convert.ToInt32(numberInString2);

    if (Buttons.IsPressed) // This is the + button, there are also -,x,/ buttons.
       antwoord = getal + getal2;
       return antwoord;

I can't see why it isn't working...


  • You missed the call of InitializeComponent() in MainWindow constructor;

    public MainWindow() 
         button1.Click += button1_click; //'+' button
    private void button1_click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        int antwoord;
        int getal = Convert.ToInt32(TextDoos.Text);
        int getal2 = Convert.ToInt32(TextDoos2.Text);
        antwoord = getal + getal2;
        resultTextBox.Text = antwoord ;

    Anyway your code is strange. RekenFunctie makes some calculation, but you call it from the constructor. So, you run this code only once, but I think your user wants to interact with your calculator.

    I think you should read something about Button.Click events.