I have this table :
id | type | date
1 | a | 01/1/2012
2 | b | 01/1/2012
3 | b | 01/2/2012
4 | b | 01/3/2012
5 | a | 01/5/2012
6 | b | 01/5/2012
7 | b | 01/9/2012
8 | a | 01/10/2012
The POV is per date. if 2 rows contains the same date , so both will visible in the same line ( left join).
Same date can be shared by 2 rows max.
so this situation can't be :
1 | a | 01/1/2012
2 | b | 01/1/2012
3 | a | 01/1/2012
if in the same date there is group a
and b
show both of them in single line using left join
if in date there is only a
group , show it as single line ( +null at the right side )
if in date there is only b group , show it as single line ( +null at the left side )
Desired result :
Date |typeA|typeB |a'id|b'id
01/1/2012 | a | b | 1 | 2
01/2/2012 | | b | | 3
01/3/2012 | | b | | 4
01/5/2012 | a | b | 5 | 6
01/9/2012 | | b | | 7
01/10/2012 | a | | 8 |
I know this suppose to be simple , but the main anchor of join here is the date. The problem I've encountered is when I read line 1 , i search in the table all rows with the same date...fine. - its ok.
But when I read the second line , I do it also , and it yields the first row - which already was counted...
any help ?
here is the sql fiddle :
I think you want a pivot
case when [a] IS null then null else 'a' end typea,
case when [b] IS null then null else 'b' end typeb,
a as aid,
b as bid
from yourtable src
pivot (max(id) for type in ([a],[b]))p
If you want to do it with joins..
select ISNULL(a.date, b.date), a.type,b.type, a.id,b.id
(select * from yourtable where type='a') a
full outer join
(select * from yourtable where type='b') b
on a.date = b.date