I am using the Express framework in node.js with some middleware functions:
var app = express.createServer(options);
I can use the .use
function with an additional parameter to use this middleware only on specific paths:
app.use('/userdata', User.checkUser);
Is it possible to use the path variable so that the middleware is used for all paths except a specific one, i.e. the root path?
I am thinking about something like this:
app.use('!/', User.checkUser);
So User.checkUser
is always called except for the root path.
I would add checkUser middleware to all my paths, except homepage.
app.get('/', routes.index);
app.get('/account', checkUser, routes.account);
app.all('*', checkUser);
function checkUser(req, res, next) {
if ( req.path == '/') return next();
//authenticate user
You could extend this to search for the req.path in an array of non-authenticated paths:
function checkUser(req, res, next) {
const nonSecurePaths = ['/', '/about', '/contact'];
if (nonSecurePaths.includes(req.path)) return next();
//authenticate user