This is a sub-problem from my Traveller project.
I've put together the rudementary code that will handle input. It works, until I introduce a TChan
to the mix. Below is the working code, with an example of how to use it. Then, I will change it and explain why I am doing so. Then, I'll talk about the problem.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Monad.STM (STM,atomically)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
data Planet = Vulcan
| Mars
| Terra
deriving (Eq,Read,Show)
data Command = Move Planet
| Look
| Quit
| Null
deriving Show
makeNetworkDescription :: AddHandler (Maybe Command) -> IO EventNetwork
makeNetworkDescription addCommandEvent = compile $ do
eInput <- fromAddHandler addCommandEvent
let eCommand = filterJust eInput
bCommand = stepper Null eCommand
eCommandChanged <- changes bCommand
reactimate $ (\n -> appendFile "output.txt" ("Command is " ++ show n)) <$>
Executing the following in ghci
will demonstrate that this works.
(addCommandEvent,fireCommand) <- newAddHandler :: IO (AddHandler (Maybe Command),Maybe Command -> IO ())
networkDescr <- makeNetworkDescription addCommandEvent
actuate networkDescr
return (Just $ Look) >>= fireCommand
So, now I have have the basic mechanism in place, I want to start building it out. This is going to be a multiplayer game. The first step in addressing this as far the the input handling goes is getting input from a TChan
. The idea being, all players will write to this TChan
, and each command will be processed in the order it arrived.
So I added a new function 'inputFrame'
inputFrame :: TChan Command -> IO ()
inputFrame commandChannel = do
(addCommandEvent,fireCommand) <- newAddHandler
networkDescr <- makeNetworkDescription addCommandEvent
actuate networkDescr
forkIO $ forever (atomically $ tryReadTChan commandChannel) >>= fireCommand
return ()
Here is how I attempt to use it, in ghci
commandChan <- atomically $ newTChan :: IO (TChan Command)
_ <- atomically $ writeTChan commandChan Look
doesn't get written to. commandChan
is being read, as I check to see if it becomes empty after populating it. Is it obvious what I'm doing wrong? If not, how may I go about troubleshooting the problem? Also, for my intended purposes, is a TChan
the right choice?
You probably wanted
forkIO $ forever (atomically (tryReadTChan commandChannel) >>= fireCommand)
but I haven't tested this. Also, at a guess, you probably will want to avoid tryReadTChan
here. Just use plain old readTChan
, so that you get the efficient retry
instead of polling.