I modified my db and some fk relations. After rebuilding schema and rebuilding classes I get an error message while trying to use the class
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare BaseHrlibQualificationLevelQuery::filterByHrlibQualification() in C:\wamp\www\cbm_hr\trunk\cbm\plugins\cbmHrLibPlugin\lib\model\om\BaseHrlibQualificationLevelQuery.php on line 717
I checked the schema but there are no multiple columns in the same table.
What other things can cause multiple declarations of the function?
I've just had a similar problem. Although your question doesn't mention if you have multiple Foreign Keys to the same foreign table but I suspect that is the problem.
I had:
<foreign-key foreignTable="dish" phpName="Dish" refPhpName="Menu">
<reference local="soup_id" foreign="id"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="dish" phpName="Dish" refPhpName="Menu">
<reference local="main_id" foreign="id"/>
and I've got this error message:
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare BaseMenuQuery::filterByDish()
Then I've changed the phpName and refPhpName attributes (the later is needed because Propel will generate filterBySomething() function in the foreign table class so in my case there were multiple filterByMenu() function names):
<foreign-key foreignTable="dish" phpName="soupDish" refPhpName="sMenu">
<reference local="soup_id" foreign="id"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="dish" phpName="mainDish" refPhpName="mMenu">
<reference local="main_id" foreign="id"/>
So I'm guessing that you have multiple references to HrlibQualification table by more than one foreign key.
I hope that helps.