I've been experimenting with different ways of implementing depth first search. I've found a few working ways, but they involved some rather tedious dictionary work. I've developed a new idea using lists, but the actions this implementation returns don't match the desired result. I'll try to comment the code as clearly as I can:
start = problem.getStartState() ## returns an (x, y) tuple
children = problem.getSuccessors(start) ##returns the children of a parent node in ((start
state), action, cost) format.
stack = Stack() ##creates a Stack (LIFO) data structure
visited = [] ##list of visited nodes
for child in children:
stack.push((child, [], [], 0)) ##push children to fringe in the format of (child,
while stack: ##path taken, actions taken, cost)
parent = stack.pop()
node = parent[0]
if parent[0] in visited: continue
path = parent[1] + [node[0]] ##assigns previous path/actions/cost to new
actions = parent[2] + [node[1]] ##node, creating a cumulative, ordered list of
print actions ##the path/actions and a cumulative cost
cost = parent[3] + node[2]
if problem.isGoalState(node[0]):
print parent[2]
return parent[2] ## returns list of actions
children = problem.getSuccessors(node[0])
if children != []:
for child in children:
stack.push((child, path, actions, cost)) ##assigns cumulative lists to child
Anyone see where my problems might lie in this implementation? BTW, I know DFS is an inefficient algorithm for most cases. But once I get this implementation right, it should be able to cross over to other search algorithms by simply changing the data structure that stores the children of the parent node.
CS188 pal :D It's really hard to read your code here... all those indexes %) Use more variables and it'll be more clear. My solution:
def depthFirstSearch(problem):
fringe = util.Stack()
expanded = set()
while not fringe.isEmpty():
curState, curMoves, curCost = fringe.pop()
if(curState in expanded):
if problem.isGoalState(curState):
return curMoves
for state, direction, cost in problem.getSuccessors(curState):
fringe.push((state, curMoves+[direction], curCost))
return []
I hope I don't need to comment it. It's easy to read :) Have a good day ;)