I am trying to determine if the PC my app is running on is x64 or x86.
Here is my current code:
format PE GUI 4.0
include "Win32A.Inc"
entry start
section ".idata" import data readable writable
library kernel32,"KERNEL32.DLL",user32,"USER32.DLL"
import kernel32,\
import user32,\
section '.data' data readable writeable
hProcess dd ?
hResult dd ?
section '.code' code readable executable
invoke GetCurrentProcess
mov [hProcess],eax
invoke IsWow64Process,hProcess,hResult
cmp [hResult],1
je Is64
cmp [hResult],0
je Is32
invoke ExitProcess,0
invoke MessageBox,0,'64','AR',0
invoke ExitProcess,0
invoke MessageBox,0,'32','AR',0
invoke ExitProcess,0
It simply crashes upon execution.
What is the proper way to check the value of a boolean, am I doing that part correctly?
Thanks for any help solving this issue.
To be able to declare inline strings, you need to include the extended headers:
include "Win32AX.Inc"
or else '64' and so on will be interpreted as constants.
You're also not passing hProcess as a value:
invoke IsWow64Process,[hProcess],hResult