How can i send special characters in a querystring?
The ++ gets taken out when i do this:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim theData As String = Request.QueryString("data")
It stores it inside theData like this:
GQH/FUvq9sQbWwrYh5xX7G VktXU5o17hycAfNSND8gt8YbbUaJbwRw
So therefore its invalid. How can i properly send that string over without it changing once its received?
Doing this:
Dim en As String = endecryption.EncryptData("=" & "aclub" & "=" & strName & "=" & strEmail)
Response.Redirect("/thankyou.aspx?data=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(en), False)
And at the other end:
Dim theData As String = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString("data"))
It sends it like: GQH%2fFUvq9sQbWwrYh5xX7G%2bVktXU5o17hycAfNSND8gt8YbbUaJbwRw
But it decodes it like: GQH/FUvq9sQbWwrYh5xX7G[2 spaces here]VktXU5o17hycAfNSND8gt8YbbUaJbwRw
take a look at using Server.UrlEncode() to encode the param before including it in the querystring, and using Server.UrlDecode() to transform it back when you need it.
calling Server.UrlEncode() on "GQH/FUvq9sQbWwrYh5xX7G++VktXU5o17hycAfNSND8gt8YbbUaJbwRw" yields:
and calling Server.UrlDecode on that result yields:
You need to make sure that you url encode the query string data before you append it on the url.