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Ruby CSV read strings and numbers from MySQL exported csv

I exported tables and queries from SQL.

The ruby (1.9+) way to read csv appears to be:

require 'csv'

CSV.foreach("exported_mysql_table.csv", {:headers=>true}) do |row|
    puts row

Which works great if your data is like this:

"Bob","[email protected]","omnomnom"
"Charlie","[email protected]","andcheese"
"Doug","[email protected]","usemeltattack"

Works fine (The first line is a header, the attributes). However, if the data is like this:

1,"Bob","[email protected]","omnomnom"
2,"Charlie","[email protected]","andcheese"
4,"Doug","[email protected]","usemeltattack"

Then we get the error:

.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/1.9.1/csv.rb:1894:in `block (2 levels) in shift': Missing or stray quote in line 2 (CSV::MalformedCSVError)

I think this is because the id is stored as a number, not a string, and thus has no quotes, and the csv parser expects ALL the entries to have quotes. Ideally I'd like to read "Bob" as a string and 1 as a number (and stuff it into a Hash of hashes)

(Have tried 'FasterCSV', that gem became 'csv' since ruby 1.9)


Was pointed out that the example worked fine (derp), was looking in the wrong place, it was an error with multi-line fields, question moved to Ruby CSV read multiline fields


  • Using the input you provided, I am unable to reproduce this.

    1.9.3p194 :001 > require 'csv'
     => true 
    1.9.3p194 :002 > CSV.foreach("test.txt", {:headers => true}) { |row| puts row }
    1,Bob,[email protected],omnomnom
    2,Charlie,[email protected],andcheese
    4,Doug,[email protected],usemeltattack
     => nil

    The only difference I see between our environments is that you are using rbenv, and I am using RVM. I also verified this on another machine I have with ruby 1.9.3-p194. Does the input you provided exactly match what is in your csv?