I want to group in Datatable by Name, LastName and the rest should be in same row. Can someone help me with it?
My DataTable:
Name LastName 1 3 2
kiki ha FF
lola mi AA
ka xe UU
kiki ha SS
I want to have DataTable group by Name:
Name LastName 1 3 2
kiki ha FF SS
lola mi AA
ka xe UU
My new code:
var result11 = from t1 in newtable.AsEnumerable()
group t1 by new { Name = t1.Field<String>("Name"), LastName = t1.Field<String>("LastName") } into grp
select new
Name = grp.Key.Name,
LastName = grp.Key.LastName,
//Something must be there
Add these lines instead of the comment (//something must be there
C1 = String.Join(",", grp.Select(r=>r.Field<String>("1"))),
C2 = String.Join(",", grp.Select(r=>r.Field<String>("2"))),
C3 = String.Join(",", grp.Select(r=>r.Field<String>("3")))
to get three new columns on the output that aggregate values from the columns 1
, 3
and 2
If you have multiple values in one of the columns for a group, all the values will be shown and separated by comma (,
If you are sure that there's at most one value per column per group, then you can simply do:
C1 = grp.Max(r => r.Field<String>("1")),
C3 = grp.Max(r => r.Field<String>("3")),
C2 = grp.Max(r => r.Field<String>("2"))