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Why is there difference in this calculation of CRC16 in python?

i would say that this code would provide the same output three times but it does not:

import crcmod

#create CRC16 calculator
crc16 = crcmod.predefined.mkCrcFun('crc-16')

#wait for user input
#hstr = raw_input("enter hex commands, space separated: ")
hstr = '81 12 C0 00 01 05'
hex_series = hstr.replace(' ', '\\x')
hex_series_caps = hstr.capitalize().replace(' ', '\\x') #why is there difference?

print hex(crc16(hex_series))  # gives 0xd795 incorrect! + how can there be a 9???
print hex(crc16(hex_series_caps))  # gives 0x37b4 incorrect!
print hex(crc16('\x81\x12\xC0\x00\x01\x05')) # gives 0x815b correct!

please explain!


  • Let's open a Python prompt...

    >>> hstr
    '81 12 C0 00 01 05'
    >>> hex_series
    >>> hex_series_caps

    As you can see, none of the strings are the strings you want. Replacing spaces with "\\x" just inserts a bunch of backslashes and x characters into your string, it does not do any escaping.

    An escape sequence like '\x63' will become 'c', but only if you write it that way in the source code. Escape sequences do not happen after string manipulation, reading strings, or almost anything else. For example,

    >>> '\x63'
    >>> '\\' + 'x63'

    Try this instead:

    import base64
    data = base64.b16decode(hstr.replace(' ', ''))
    print hex(crc16(data))