I have to create a program for converting ESRI Shapefiles
into OS VectorMap Local GMLs
. I'm looking for some information for my problem... I tried to use documentation from both sites:
I use ESRI Shapefile Reader library
and it works fine. I can read my *.shp
files. The problem is I don't know where I should get featureCode
<osgb:Line fid="ID_864">
<osgb:featureDescription>Water Feature</osgb:featureDescription>
<gml:LineString srsName="osgb:BNG">
<gml:coordinates>405513.50,408701.00 405514.01,408707.15 405514.50,408711.50</gml:coordinates>
ESRI Shapefiles
contain only coordinates, so I don't know what its feature code is...
The 2nd thing is <osgb:textMember>
tag. WTF is a textMember
? Which one shape type in ESRI Shapefile
Thanks in advance for any help!
Or maybe you know some library/program for doing convertion like this? It'd be a great solution aswell:)
The answer to your conversion question is easy enough - GDAL can convert from shp -> VML, using ogr2ogr. See the comments on this question for syntax.