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OWC11 PivotTable: TotalMember not supported

I have an ancient classic ASP app which is using Office Interop for pivots.

All was working fine until I recently had to move to a new host. After a day of suffering I've managed to get CreateObject("OWC11.PivotTable") working.

I'm now trying to run this:

Dim oPivot
Set oPivot = Server.CreateObject("OWC11.PivotTable")
'... get data from sql'
set myData = oPivot.ActiveData
set dataColumnMembers = myData.ColumnMembers 

It fails on the last statement with this error:

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'dataColumnMembers.TotalMember'

I'm guessing the OWC dll I'm using on the new server is newer then the one on the old server and might have TotlaMember deprecated. I can't find out what's the replacement.

I would appreciate your help!


  • Phew, I finally got it working! Here's the solution for OWC11:

    These properties


    were replaced by


    That was a lucky guess :)