I have an application where I'm showing a business listing and then displaying various jobs related to that business. The job locations are working great but I'd like to add a marker for the business which should be in the center which I can then customise.
Here is my controller/business_controller
def show
@business = Business.find(params[:id])
@distance = @business.service_area
@jobs = Job.near(@business.location, @distance, {:order => :distance, :units => :km})
@json = @jobs.to_gmaps4rails
@mapoptions = {
"map_options" => {"center_latitude" => @business.latitude,
"center_longitude" => @business.longitude,
"auto_zoom" => true}
respond_to do |format|
In my view views/businesses/show
<p><%= gmaps(:map_options => @mapoptions,"markers" => { "data" => @json }) %></p>
How can I create a marker for the business location?
I'd say:
markers_array = JSON.parse @jobs.to_gmaps4rails
markers_array << {lat: @business.latitude, lng: @business.longitude}
@json = markers_array.to_json