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Automatically namespace a page in Dokuwiki

Is it possible to automatically namespace the links in a page (with the pagename), in Dokuwiki?

i.e., If I create a page [[projects]] in the global namespace, and put any further links inside it

e.g.  [[project1]], [[project2]]

these pages should automatically be under the 'projects' namespace.

Is this possible (either natively, or through a plugin) ?


  • I found a workaround which does what I was trying to achieve.

    Any link in a page, which is meant as belonging to the subject of that page, I link as follows


    This automatically makes it a link to


    Having changed my landing page of a namespace from 'start' to 'index', I get a behavior close to what I was looking for in the first place, i.e., a link


    in a page


    will point to
