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WPF Resize UserControl with aspect ratio

I have a UserControl and that UserControl has to be resized with aspect ratio. That means: width:height = 2:1. Currently I am using this code:

    protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeBounds)
        if (ActualWidth == 0 || ActualHeight == 0) return arrangeBounds;
        double ratio = 2;

        if (Parent != null)
            var size = new Size(arrangeBounds.Height * ratio, arrangeBounds.Height);

            double containerWidth = ((FrameworkElement)Parent).ActualWidth;
            if (containerWidth < size.Width)
                double newHeight = arrangeBounds.Height * (containerWidth / size.Width);
                canvas.Width = newHeight * ratio;
                canvas.Height = newHeight;
                canvas.Width = size.Height * ratio;
                canvas.Height = size.Height;

        return arrangeBounds;

But it is not really working. That means it works but not every time. If I max. the window it sometimes does not get resized, so its a bit "random" if the control gets resized. So if someone would have a better solution if would be very nice.


  • It's a bit late, but I recently came across the same problem and since I did not find a good solution I decided to write my own layout control/decorator and wrote a blog post about it here:

    Basically my solution was to overwrite both MeasureOverride and ArrangeOverride. So far it works very nicely in all of the common containers and I didn't encounter any problems like you described.

    I recommend reading the post, where you find a working decorator control, but the most important methods are these:

       protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
          if (Child != null)
             constraint = SizeToRatio(constraint, false);
                || double.IsInfinity(constraint.Height))
                return SizeToRatio(Child.DesiredSize, true);
             return constraint;
          // we don't have a child, so we don't need any space
          return new Size(0, 0);
       protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
          if (Child != null)
             var newSize = SizeToRatio(arrangeSize, false);
             double widthDelta = arrangeSize.Width - newSize.Width;
             double heightDelta = arrangeSize.Height - newSize.Height;
             double top = 0;
             double left = 0;
             if (!double.IsNaN(widthDelta)
                && !double.IsInfinity(widthDelta))
                left = widthDelta/2;
             if (!double.IsNaN(heightDelta)
                && !double.IsInfinity(heightDelta))
                top = heightDelta/2;
             var finalRect = new Rect(new Point(left, top), newSize);
          return arrangeSize;
       public Size SizeToRatio(Size size, bool expand)
          double ratio = AspectRatio;
          double height = size.Width / ratio;
          double width = size.Height * ratio;
          if (expand)
             width = Math.Max(width, size.Width);
             height = Math.Max(height, size.Height);
             width = Math.Min(width, size.Width);
             height = Math.Min(height, size.Height);
          return new Size(width, height);

    I hope it helps someone!