I have two ruby on rails websites which are almost identical. One is a development version and the other one is in production. The only place where they differ is in uploaded data, but that is not in the repository.
I have always just worked on the dev, fixed stuff, then I just sync the app directory over, or some of the files that I change. This has worked ok, until now.
Now I have barely touched these sites for over a year, and I have done some changes on both sides. Yes I know, I worked on the prod when I should not have.
Now, my question is this. Can I, easily merge these two projects (specifically the app directory) and then perhaps in the future, can I then work on the development project and once I am done, just push the changes over ?
I know how I might do this with help of other version controls, but I would like to know if this is possible using just fossil.
I think your life will be much easier, going forward, if you bite the bullet and get your two versions into one repository.
Suggested procedure:
Select one of the repositories.
Open it.
Delete all the user files
Add all the user files from the other repository.
Check in, creating a new branch.
Merge the branches. You will have to decide which branch to merge into.