For WinRT, IDL now supports constructs such as this:
[static(Windows.Networking.Sockets.IDatagramSocketStatics, 0x06020000)]
runtimeclass DatagramSocket
[default] interface Windows.Networking.Sockets.IDatagramSocket;
interface Windows.Foundation.IClosable;
I'm curious about the static
attribute. What does it mean? How does it relate to the interfaces listed inside the body of the runtimeclass
COM does not support the notion of static methods of a class, all methods must be instance methods since interface methods are abstract. The attribute allows the language projection to emulate static behavior of a method. Specifically the DatagramSocket.GetEndpointPairsAsync() overloads.
Notable as well is that COM also doesn't support overloads, also solved with an attribute. The methods of IDatagramSockeStatics have the [overload] attribute, the real name of the 2nd overload is GetEndpointPairsWithSortOptionsAsync().