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Wordpress in Java environments (Resin+Quercus) without any additional code tweak?

There are some threads here about Resin/Quercus being used for Wordpress. I just want to confirm that once Quercus is installed, Wordpress will work just as-is, with .php file extensions and all? And all the usual URL Rewriting etc will work too in permalinks? Or will we need to do some manual and additional adjustments? (



  • Yes, wordpress works on Resin 4.0.x for us without modification. Although, you will probably want some rewrite rules in the WEB-INF/resin-web.xml for the "pretty" URL mapping.

    Ours looks something like:

    <web-app xmlns=""
      <!-- pass through all actual files to the standard dispatch -->
      <resin:Dispatch regexp="\.">
      <!-- pass through all php files to the standard dispatch -->
      <resin:Dispatch regexp="\.php"/>
      <!-- rewrite everything else to be /index.php/foo... -->
      <resin:Forward regexp="^" target="/index.php"/>