I have made an password hashing script using this and this, i am getting it to work correctly except some times the crypt function is giving hash as "*0", and then it fails.
PHP Codes
$salt = '$2y$07$';
$salt .= base64_encode(mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM));
$salt .='$$';
$password_hash = crypt($password, $salt)';
echo $password_hash.'<br />';
Using above i am getting values as
$salt = '$2y$07$8K3i8rJ7n7bsJA36CfbabQ==$$';
$crypt_password = $password_hash;
$crypt_password = '$2y$07$8K3i8rJ7n7bsJA36CfbabO9ojj2hl61azl8CubJQhRTgla4ICiCVC';
if (crypt($password,$crypt_password)===$crypt_password)
echo 'password verified';
echo 'password NOT verified';
Please see and suggest any possible way to make it work correctly.
The problem is that base64_encode
may generate a string with '+' symbol, which is considered an incorrect salt by crypt
your $salt
along with $password
, and you'll see that each time +
character is used in the salt, crypt function will return a '*0'
string - the sign of failure.
One possible way of solving it is replacing all '+' signs with '.':
$salt = str_replace('+', '.', $salt);