Guys i need someone fix this problem ? when i compile that code i have this error:
Error: IntelliSense: expression must have integral or enum type
i have problem in this part:
Console(0, V("seta sv_hostname " + servername + ";\n"));
so how i can fix that
if (strncmp(command, V("exec config_mp"), 14) == 0)
if (GAME_MODE == 'D')
CIniReader iniReader(V(".\\teknogods.ini"));
char *servername = iniReader.ReadString(V("Settings"),V("Servername"),"");
if (strcmp(servername,"") == 0)
info("Server name set to defult.");
//Console(0, V("seta scr_teambalance 1;\n"));
Console(0, V("seta sv_hostname " + servername + ";\n"));
info("server name set to: %s.", servername);
You cannot concatenate two C strings with +
In C and C++ string literals are arrays of characters, which when used as rvalue in an expression decay into a pointer to the character. In C (and C++) you can perform pointer arithmetic, which means that you can add or substract an integer (or any integral type) from a pointer and you can also substract two pointers to obtain a difference, but you cannot add two pointers together. The expression "A" + "B"
is incorrect as that would try to add two const char*
. That is what the compiler is telling you: for the expression "seta sv_hostname " + servername
to be correct, servername
must be either an integer or an enum.
If coding C++ you can use std::string
, for which there are overloaded operator+
that take either another std::string
or const char*
and then use the c_str
member function to retrieve a const char*
to use in interfaces that require C strings.