I'm creating a user control and adding a text size property to it. I need to know how big the text size is going to be before drawing it on the control so that I can center it on the control in relation to its height and width.
I'm under the assumption that this is a windows API command. However I have not been able to locate any information on it.
Public Sub DrawImage(ByVal gr As Graphics)
If Me.Image Is Nothing Then Return
Dim r As Rectangle = New Rectangle(8, 8, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Select Case Me.ImageAlign
Case ContentAlignment.TopLeft
r = New Rectangle(4, 4, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.TopCenter
r = New Rectangle((Me.Width / 2 - Me.ImageSize.Width / 2) / 2, 4, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.TopRight
r = New Rectangle(Me.Width - 4 - Me.ImageSize.Width, 4, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
r = New Rectangle(8, Me.Height / 2 - Me.ImageSize.Height / 2, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
r = New Rectangle(Me.Width / 2 - Me.ImageSize.Width / 2, Me.Height / 2 - Me.ImageSize.Height / 2, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
r = New Rectangle(Me.Width - 8 - Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.Height / 2 - Me.ImageSize.Height / 2, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft
r = New Rectangle(8, Me.Height - 8 - Me.ImageSize.Height, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter
r = New Rectangle(Me.Width / 2 - Me.ImageSize.Width / 2, Me.Height - 8 - Me.ImageSize.Height, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.BottomRight
r = New Rectangle(Me.Width - 8 - Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.Height - 8 - Me.ImageSize.Height, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
End Select
gr.DrawString("Header", New Font("MS SANS SERIF", 8.25, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 1, True), Brushes.Black, 0, 0)
'gr.DrawImage(Me.Image, r)
End Sub
As you can see @ gr.DrawString, I need to know how big the text is predicted to be so that I can size the control and center the text within the control.
Try MeasureString()
gr.MeasureString("Header", New Font("MS SANS SERIF", 8.25, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 1, True)).Width