My question is very simple: if I have some input fields with maxlength tag in a HTML form, I have to check input length via PHP too?
You should , because anyone can "duplicate" your form and use it. Server-side checks are better than client-side. (It's safe)
For instance , your form:
<form method='post' action='/pay.php'>
<input type='text' maxlength='10' name='addres'>
I can easily do something like this: (and upload it to some free server or something like that)
<form method='post' action=''>
<input type='text' name='addres'><!--no maxlength='10' for me-->
Now I'm kind of "over pass" your limitation.
However , you can edit your pay.php
$addres = clean_input($_POST['addres']); //A custom function to make sure it's a clean string
if(strlen($addres) > 100)
//Something weird
//We're good