I want to build a Hadoop-Job that basically takes the wikipedia pagecount-statistic as input and creates a list like
en-Articlename: en:count de:count fr:count
For that I need the different articlenames related to each language - i.e. Bruges(en, fr), Brügge(de), which the MediaWikiApi query articlewise(http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=Bruges&prop=langlinks&lllimit=500).
My question is to find the right approach to solve this problem.
My sketched approach would be:
Now it seems rather unhandy to query the MediaAPI for every line but currently can not get my head around a better solution.
Do you think the current approach for is feasible or can you think of a different one?
On a sidenote: The created job-chain shall be used to do some time-measuring on my (small) Hadoop-Cluster, so altering the task is still okay
Edit: Here is a quite similar discussion which I just found now..
I think it isn't a good idea to query MediaApi during your batch processing due to:
The possible solution to your problem is to download the whole wikipedia dump. Each article contains links to that article in other languages in a predefined format, so you can easily write a map/reduce job that collects that information and builds a correspondence between English article name and the rest.
Then you can use the correspondence in a map/reduce job processing pagecount-statistic. If you do that you'll become independent to mediawiki's api, speed up your data processing and improve debugging.