This is more of a math question than an actual programming question but since I'm using C++
, I opted to post it here.
I'm using CCBezierTo
to create a bezier movement that the sprite mySprite
runs. The CCBezierConfig
struct accepts three points (CCPoint
s): controlPoint_1
, controlPoint_2
, and endPoint
. The two controlPoint
s are the points in which the bezier will curve.
Now here's the question. The controlPoint
s which I need to create a curve are unknown and can only be acquired by doing a bit of math. These are the variables that are known. Please refer to the diagram below.
A = The start point of the curve
B = The end point of the curve
Line AB = The line created by connecting A and B together
L = The distance between A and B/The length of Line AB
D = The distance between the line and the unknown points
I am trying to look for X and Y. I have already achieved a bit of this but only when the line is either horizontal or vertical:
// From left to right:
ccBezierConfig bezierConfig;
bezierConfig.controlPoint_1 = CCPointMake( A.x + ( L * 0.25f ), A.y + aCertainHeight );
bezierConfig.controlPoint_2 = CCPointMake( A.x + ( L * 0.75f ), A.y - aCertainHeight );
bezierConfig.endPoint = B;
/** CCPointMake( x, y ) is a macro that creates a CCPoint object, which is a point on a plane.
It accepts two float values determining the X and Y position of the point.**/
// From top to bottom:
ccBezierConfig bezierConfig;
bezierConfig.controlPoint_1 = CCPointMake( A.x + aCertainWidth, A.y - ( L * 0.25f ) );
bezierConfig.controlPoint_2 = CCPointMake( A.x - aCertainWidth, A.y - ( L * 0.25f ) );
bezierConfig.endPoint = B;
How can I get X and Y if the line is diagonal?
Case 1: Line starts from left to right
Case 2: Line starts from upper left to lower right
Case 3: Line starts from upper right to lower left
Thanks in advance.
Step 1: compute the vector from A to B, call it v
Step 2: compute a vector perpendicular to that vector, and with unit length. Call it w
. In general (-y, x)
and (y, -x)
are both perpendicular to (x, y)
. The former points "to the left" and the latter "to the right".
Step 3: compute X
as A + 0.25 * v + D_1 * w
and similar for Y
I think this all works out as:
// Using a "point" type for a vector is dodgy, but it works.
w = CCPointMake((B.y - A.y) / L, -(B.x - A.x) / L);
X = CCPointMake(
0.75 * A.x + 0.25 * B.x + D_1 * w.x,
0.75 * A.y + 0.25 * B.y + D_1 * w.y,
Y = CCPointMake(
0.25 * A.x + 0.75 * B.x + D_2 * w.x,
0.25 * A.y + 0.75 * B.y + D_2 * w.y,
or similar.
If cocos2d has a separate type for 2-D vectors, use that, you might find that you can write expressions like (B - A)/L
and so on.