I'm a Python noob and I need some help for a simple problem.
What I need to do is create a list with 3 items and add spaces before and after every item.
For example: l1 = ['a', 'bb', 'c']
should be transformed into: [' a ',' bb ',' c ']
I was trying to write something like this:
lst = ['a', 'bb', 'c']
for a in lst:
print ' a '
...and so on for the other elements, but I get a syntax error. Can anyone suggest me a working way to do this? Thanks.
As always, use a list comprehension:
lst = [' {0} '.format(elem) for elem in lst]
This applies a string formatting operation to each element, adding the spaces. If you use python 2.7 or later, you can even omit the 0
in the replacement field (the curly braces).