I am using Wordpress Pods CMS and I have a foreach loop to show an unordered list of images. I would like to turn the images into thumbnail size (using the WordPress media thumbnail settings in the dashboard).
My code currently look like this...
foreach ($thePod->get_field('images') as $photo) {
echo "<li><img src=\"{$photo['guid']}\" alt=\"{$name}\" /></li>";
<?php else:?>
<p>no photos</p>
<?php endif;?>
I tried putting .... "{$photo['guid'], 'thumbnail'}" but that doesn't work and I know this usually works ... "wp_get_attachment_image_src($image['0']['id'], 'thumbnail');" when I want to display one image only.
try this:
foreach ($thePod->get_field('images') as $photo) {
$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $photo[ID], 'thumbnail' );
echo "<li><img src='$thumbnail[0]' alt='$name' /></li>";