Search code examples

prevent Html.Action with JQuery

Quick question guys, I have this on my view

    <div class="product_list">
        @Html.Action("GetProducts", "Products")

and the controller is simply

public ActionResult GetProducts(string country, string currency, int category){
    var viewModel = new ProductsViewModel{
        Products = _proxy.GetProducts(country, currency, category, page)};

    return PartialView(viewModel);

Then the GetProducts View just renders each product in a foreach loop

I would like to prevent this to happen if JS is enabled and with JQuery call te service asynchronously. Something like

$(".product_list").SOMETHING(function(event) {

How can I do this?


  • Try this instead :

    $(".product_list a").click(function(event) {
        // code to be executed.

    Edit : As per @kooshka comment

    When JS disabled :

    <div class="product_list">
        <!-- Will execute when JS is disabled in browser -->
            @Html.Action("GetProducts", "Products")

    When JS enabled than the script code should be :

    $(".product_list").SOMETHING(function(event) {
        $(".product_list").html('@Html.Action("GetProducts", "Products")');

    Good Luck !!