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What is a 2+1-D spatial-temporal video?

I am reading through, and I need some help in a definition in this segment:

The SIFT descriptor has also been extended from grey-level to colour images and from 2-D spatial images to 2+1-D spatio-temporal video.

What is a 2+1-D spatial-temporal video?


  • It is simply a video.

    They mean that the original technique was applied on grayscale images, which have 2 spatial dimensions; x and y.

    It then was extended to be applied to colour images and then to temporal series of images, that is, videos. Videos have 3 dimensions; 2 spatial (x,y) and 1 temporal (time). They use 2+1 rather than 3 because 3D image usually refers to x/y/z rather than x/y/t