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Which .htaccess file should I be using for 301 redirects?

This is one of those super-simple questions that I can't seem to google an answer for, so apologies in advance.

When I ftp into my (shared) server, I have a file structure like this:

  • Root (/)

    • /public_html
        • /

  • I had an old website that lived in /public_html, it had heaps of content and excellent SEO. We changed our name and our domain (which lives in /, a folder inside /public_html), and set 301 redirects from all the old content to the new website.

    I tried doing this myself, but it didn't work at all, so I got my host's techsupport to do it for me. There are several .htaccess files on my server though, and I don't know which ones are actually effective and which aren't.

  • Root has its own .htaccess file
  • public_html has its own .htaccess file
  • / DOESN'T have its own .htaccess file

Redirection 1 (currently is in both root and public_html's .htaccess files, and works)

I want to redirect -> (I've currently got each individual page doing its own separate 301 versus a single rule doing this). Achieved with Redirect 301 /article-name-here/

Redirection 2 (currently is in both root and public_html's .htaccess files, and doesn't work).

I also want to do some internal redirections of -> I've tried redirection public_html's .htaccess file like so:

Redirect 301

But it's not working. Do I need to set up a new .htaccess in the folder on my server? Or am I just completely missing the mark here?


  • Redirection 1

    To redirect everything, just remove the article name:

    Redirect 301 /

    Or if you don't want to redirect the root (i.e. requests for /), then:

    RedirectMatch 301 ^/(.+)$$1

    Redirection 2

    If the /newdomain directory is the document root for, then you'll need to create a new htaccess file there and include:

    Redirect 301 /badpage.html /goodpage.html