I'm fetching historic data from Yahoo finance in R using getYahooData from the TTR package. Most of the data I'm getting, however, does not include the last few days of trading - For example I'm getting the most recent day as 24/09/12 today on all but one ticker (which is up to date, JMAT.L)
Does anyone have a data source or a fetch method that'll get me some up to date data?
The various R functions for grabbing Yahoo finance data get to the same data as is available on finance.yahoo.com. Check the website, search the ticker. If the data there is not up to date, then R can't help you unfortunately. If it is up to date there, provide a code snippet that pulls a ticker so we can check if there is an issue with your code.
Unfortunately yahoo finance is the best place to get free data of this type. As the various data providers change their websites or drop free services, the R commands have gone out of date. The only other source I'm aware of is straight from Nasdaq. Not sure if any R command currently points to this.