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Figuring out the package name of a *.SWC file so that I can import it

I am a noob to flex so this probably comes across as a ridiculous error to you guys, but I can't for the life of me figure out what would be the name of the package/class for the .swc file I just added.

I am doing the typical steps, going into properties, flex builder path, Libraries tab and then adding the SWC. It shows up in my referenced libraries folder in my projects' package explorer. However, when I attempt to 'import', there are no drop down hints that suggest the name of the packet nor am I able to figure out the name of the package so that I could just bang it in.

For the record, I am installing FlexSpy, for those who are aware of this.

Best, Parijat


  • You should be able to see the content of the swc in the package explorer. Just double-click the library icon and it will expand into a package structure with classes. You can even inspect the class' properties and methods. If this doesn't work, your FlashBuilder is probably broken.